لمحة عن Tooky - توكي
برنامج توكي اول برنامج يجمعلك كل اللي ممكن تحتاجه في مكان واحد
وكمان مفيش وسيط بينك وبين المكان اللي هتطلب منه
لاننا بنوصلك بصاحب المنتجات مباشرة عشان تطمن وتتأكد من حاجتك قبل ما تشتريها
Tooky the first program to bring you everything you need in one place
Also, there is no intermediary between you and the place from which you will order
Because we connect you with the product owner directly, so you can rest assured and make sure of your need before you buy it
وكمان مفيش وسيط بينك وبين المكان اللي هتطلب منه
لاننا بنوصلك بصاحب المنتجات مباشرة عشان تطمن وتتأكد من حاجتك قبل ما تشتريها
Tooky the first program to bring you everything you need in one place
Also, there is no intermediary between you and the place from which you will order
Because we connect you with the product owner directly, so you can rest assured and make sure of your need before you buy it