لمحة عن Verbs Conjugations OFFLINE
Verb Search: Users can input a verb into a search bar, and relevant results are displayed in a table format. The table includes the verb, its tense, and an option to listen to its pronunciation.
Comments: There is a commenting section where users can leave comments. Before commenting, users are prompted to enter their username if they haven't done so.
Drawer: The app features a side drawer with various options, including "About Us" and links to the developer's other apps and social media profiles.
Update Prompt: The app checks for the latest version from Firebase and prompts the user to update if their installed version is outdated.
Comments: There is a commenting section where users can leave comments. Before commenting, users are prompted to enter their username if they haven't done so.
Drawer: The app features a side drawer with various options, including "About Us" and links to the developer's other apps and social media profiles.
Update Prompt: The app checks for the latest version from Firebase and prompts the user to update if their installed version is outdated.